Vedic Thyoride
Say No to Thyroid Problems. Vedic Thyoride is our one stop solution for maintaining balanced thyroid function. It contains ingredients like Kanchaar (Treats Hypo Thyroidism and corrects hormonal imbalance), Guggul (Normalizes T3, T4 levels and promotes thyroid to absorb iodine) etc., Vedic Thyoride can alleviate your thyroid problems.
HACCP Certified
GMP Certified
ISO 9001 Certified
WHO GMP Certified
FDA Certified
FSSAI Certified
Product Details
- Kanchaar (Bauhenia Variegate) 150 Mg - Helps treat Hypo Thryoidism and corrects Hormonal Imbalance.
- Kandeer (Ranunculuc Sceleratus) 100 Mg - Helps in treatment of Thyroid related Problems.
- Shunthi (Zingiber Officinate) 30 Mg - Protect against inflammation related thyroid disorder.
- Marich (Piperlongum) 25 Mg - Treats repisratory related problems.
- Triphla (Terminali) 25 Mg - Helps to increase digestion.
- Dacheni (Cinnamombark) 25 Mg - Good Anti-Oxidant.
- Tejpatra (Cinnamonum) 25 Mg - Treats Cold Cough and other respiratory problems.
- Guggul (Commiphoramul) 45 Mg - Helps in healthy thyroid function. It supports the activity of a number of important thyroid enzymes. It normalizes T3, T4 levels(7-10) and supports the thyroid's ability to properly absorb iodine.
2 Capsules twice a day (4 capsule a day with lukewarm water) or as directed by the Physician.
Extra Info
Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine.